Sunday 23 November 2014

Topic wise division of History Optional Questions for this millenium


TopicSub-topicBrief Description15 M20 M30 Marks60 Marks
1 Sources    
 i)Archeological sources2013  2003
 ii)Exploration, excavation, epigraphy, numismatics, monuments 2011 2007/09
2 Pre-history and Proto-history2013 2010 
3 Indus Valley Civilization 201320122002
4 Megalithic Cultures 201120122008
5 Aryans and Vedic Period2013 2009/10/112004
6 Period of Mahajanapadas    
 i)Economic growth; Introduction of coinage   2003/11
 ii)Spread of Jainism and Buddhism  20112007
 iii)Rise of Magadha and Nandas   2001
7 Mauryan Empire    
 i)Polity, Administration  20122005
 ii)Religion; Spread of religion; Literature   2004
8 Post - Mauryan Period 20132010/122008
9 Early State & Soc in Eastern, Deccan and South India  20102008
10 Guptas, Vakatakas and Vardhanas    
 i)Polity and administration, Economy2013 20092006/05
 ii)Indian feudalism, Caste system, Position of women20132013 2005/07/10
 iii)Education and educational institutions2013 20122003
11 Regional States during Gupta Era    
 i)Chalukyas of Badami    
 ii)Palas, Senas, Rashtrakutas  2012 
12 Themes in Early Indian Cultural History    
 i)major stages in the evolution of art and architecture 2011 2004/09
 ii)ideas in Science and Mathematics   2001


TopicBrief Description10M12M15M20 Marks30 Marks60 Marks
13Early Medieval India, 750-1200      
 The Cholas: administration, village economy and society    2009/11/122004/07
 “Indian Feudalism”   2005/092010/122011
14Cultural Traditions in India, 750-1200      
 Philosophy: Skankaracharya and Vedanta   2001 2008
 Growth of Bhakti   20022010 
 Sufism   2003  
 Kalhan’s Rajtarangini 2012 20032009 
 Alberuni’s India   2007 2003
15The Thirteenth Century2013     
 Consolidation: The rule of Iltutmish and Balban    2004/08/112009/12 
16The Fourteenth Century    2012 
 “The Khalji Revolution”   2006/11  
 Alauddin Khalji     2001
 Muhammad Tughluq   2003/04/09  
17Society, Culture in the 13th&14th Centuries  20132010/112012 
 Sufi movement2013  2006  
 Economy  20132013/132009/10 
18The 15th & Early 16th Century – Political Developments and Economy2013 2013   
 Mughal Empire, First phase: Babur and Humayun    20012010 
 The Sur Empire: Sher Shah’s administration     20122006
 Bhakti and Sufi Movements 2012 2005 2001/03/04/05/07
 Portuguese Colonial Enterprise   2008  
19The 15th & Early 16th Century – Society and Culture2013     
 Literary traditions   2002/10  
 Establishment of Jagir and Mansab systems   20022011 
 Rajput policy  2013  2003/07
 Evolution of religious and social outlook  20132004/06/09 2002
21Mughal Empire in the Seventeenth Century      
 Major administrative policies of Jahangir, Shahjahan and Aurangzeb     2004
 Religious policies of Jahangir, Shahjahan and Aurangzeb   2006/132009 
 Ahom Kingdom   2008  
22Economy and Society in the 16th & 17th  Centuries      
 Agriculture & craft   2010 2008
 Towns, commerce with Europe20132012 2009/10 2006
 Indian mercantile classes, banking, insurance and credit systems      2005
 Evolution of Khalasa   2008  
23Culture in the Mughal Empire      
 Hindi and other religious literature      2006
 Mughal architecture   2001 2002
 Mughal painting 2012 2005/072011 
 Science and technology    20012009/10 
24The Eighteenth Century    2011 
 Factors for the decline of the Mughal Empire      2005
 Maratha ascendancy under the Peshwas 2012   2001
 The Maratha fiscal and financial system   2003/04/072010 
 Emergence of Afghan Power, Battle of Panipat:1761    2002 2008


TopicSub-topicBrief Description10M12 M20 Marks25M30 Marks60 Marks
1 European Penetration into India201320122002/6 20092002
2 British Expansion in India  2001/4/5/10 20092006
3 Early Structure of the British Raj  2004/11 20122005
 1English Utilitarian  2008/11   
4 Economic Impact of British Colonial Rule2013 2001/3/4/5/6/9/102013 2001/3/4/6/7
 1Famine and poverty in the rural interior  2003 20102002/5/8
 2Drain of wealth 2012  2010/1/22008
5 Social and Cultural Developments 20122008/11  2004
6 Social and Religious Reform movements in Bengal and Other Areas2013 2005/7/920132009/12 
7 Indian Response to British Rule  2001 2011/12 
 1The Great Revolt of 1857  2005/7/9/10 2011 
8 Factors leading to the birth of Indian Nationalism 20122010/11 20102001
 1National Congress  200220132009 
 2the Moderates and Extremists  2006  2003
9 Rise of Gandhi2013 2002   
 1the Khilafat Movement; the Non-cooperation Movement2013 2008  2007
 2beginning of the Civil Disobedience movement     2005
 3Quit India Movement;  2001/3 2009 
 4The Cabinet Mission  2004   
10 Constitutional Developments in the Colonial India  20072013  
11 Other strands of the National Movement  2010   
 1The Revolutionaries  2008  2003
 2The Left  20112013 2002/6
 3Subhas Chandra Bose  2002   
12 Politics of Separatism  2006/09/10 2009 
13 Consolidation as a Nation   20132011 
 1Integration of Princely States     2007
 2Nehru’s Foreign Policy 2012  20112001/04
14 Caste and Ethnicity after 1947  2008 2010/12 
15 Economic development and political change    2012 


TopicSub-topicBrief Description10 M12 M20 Marks25 M30 Marks60 Marks
16 Enlightenment and Modern ideas 2012    
 (i)Major Ideas of Enlightenment2013 2004/10  2008
 (ii)Spread of Enlightenment      
 (iii)Rise of socialist ideas  2001/08   
17 Origins of Modern Politics      
 (i)European States System      
 (ii)American Revolution and the Constitution. 20122006/10  2005
 (iii)French revolution and after math, 1789-1815. 20122002/3/4/5/6/7/10 2009/122001
 (iv)American Civil War2013     
 (v)British Democratic Politics, 1815-1850;  2005/112013 2004
18 Industrialization  2011   
 (i)English Industrial Revolution:      
 (ii)Industrialization in other countries: 2012  2009 
 (iii)Industrialization and Globalization.    2009   
19 Nation-State System      
 (i)Rise of Nationalism in 19th century      
 (ii)Nationalism : state-building  2001/4/5 20122002/03
 (iii)Disintegration of Empires  2001/6   
20 Imperialism and Colonialism2013 2010   
 (i)South and South-East Asia    2010/11 
 (ii)Latin America and South Africa  2009  2001
 (iv)Imperialism and free trade:  20072013  
21 Revolution and Counter-Revolution :      
 (i)19th Century European revolutions  2008   
 (ii)The Russian Revolution of 1917-1921  2005 2009/122003
 (iii)Fascist Counter-Revolution  2005  2004/07
 (iv)The Chinese Revolution of 19492013 2010 20122002/5/6
22 World Wars      
 (i)1st and 2nd World Wars as Total Wars:  2007   
 (ii)World War I : Causes and Consequences  2001/3/4/6/11 2010/12 
 (iii)World War II : Causes and consequence  2002/8/9 2010/11 
23 The World after World War II:      
 (i)Emergence of two power blocs  2008  2005
 (ii)Emergence of Third World and Non-Alignment    2010/11 
 (iii)UNO and the global disputes  200320132009 
24 Liberation from Colonial Rule:      
Latin America-Bolivar
 (ii)Arab World-Egypt  2009 20122001
 (iii)Africa-Apartheid to Democracy   2013 2006
 (iv)South-East Asia-Vietnam    2009 
25 Decolonization and Underdevelopment2013     
 (i)Factors constraining Development :    2009 
26 Unification of Europe      
 (i)Post War Foundations :  2003/7   
 (ii)Consolidation of European Community      
 (iii)European Union.   20132011 
27 Disintegration of Soviet Union      
 (i)Collapse of Soviet communism  20102013 2002/4/7
 (ii)Political Changes in Eastern Europe 1989-2001     2008
 (iii)End of the Cold War and US Ascendancy 2012   2003/08
Above is the analysis of past papers from 2001 onwards. You will be surprised to find that most of the questions are repeated from the last ten year papers for e.g. Indian Feudalism, Bhakti & Sufi Movement. Economic impact of British rule on India is asked record no of times. So that’s the hint.
For preparing mains one has to be focused on relevant areas. Guesswork has to be done to what will come and what will not. (And be mentally prepared to face anything in paper). If you make notes in question-answer format then nothing like that. If you get ready with say 150-200 questions with outline of answers then you can stuck a jackpot. Chronicle Publication has published the book in such format and will prove useful for reference.
It may sound absurd, but NCERT books on History (Class XI & XII), both old and new versions are useful in writing the mains answers. They present the clue about direction and the structure of the answer.

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